A Monetary Plethora and What to Do with It: The Bank of Portugal during the Second World War and the Postwar Period (1931-60)
Luciano Amaral
Economic History Review,
vol. 71, 2018, p. 795-822.
Business Groups in Portugal in the Estado Novo Period (1930-1974): Family, Power and Structural Change
Álvaro Silva,
Luciano Amaral,
Pedro José Neves
Business History,
vol. 58, 2016, p. 49-68.
Measuring Competition in Portuguese Commercial Banking during the Golden Age (1960-1973)
Luciano Amaral
Business History,
vol. 57, 2015, p. 1192-1218.
Imperfect but True Competition: Innovation and Profitability in Portuguese Banking during the Golden Age (1950-1973)
Luciano Amaral
Financial History Review,
vol. 20, 2013, p. 305-333.