
Gilberto Loureiro
Ph D: Ohio St U, Business Administration, 2007
Master: U Minho, Finance, 2002
Bachelor: U Porto, Economics, 1997
FCT research center:
Núcleo de Investigação em Políticas Económicas (2015)
REBIDES institution:
Universidade do Minho (2015)
Articles 5:
Ranking: CEF.UP+NIPE (average of all rankings) (2012). Between 2007 and 2017.

The Impact of Regulation on Information Quality and Performance around Seasoned Equity Offerings: International Evidence 9.58
Larry Fauver, Gilberto Loureiro, Alvaro G. Taboada
Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 44, 2017, p. 73-98.

Do Improvements in the Information Environment Enhance Insiders' Ability to Learn from Outsiders? 22.63
Gilberto Loureiro, Alvaro G. Taboada
Journal of Accounting Research, vol. 53, 2015, p. 863-905.

Monitoring the Board: Should Shareholders Have Direct Proxy Access? 22.32
Gilberto Loureiro
Quantitative Finance, vol. 12, 2012, p. 943-950.

The Market for ADRs: Does Depositary Bank Reputation Matter? 13.26
Gilberto Loureiro
Applied Financial Economics, vol. 20, 2010, p. 811-825.

The Reputation of Underwriters: A Test of the Bonding Hypothesis 28.74
Gilberto Loureiro
Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 16, 2010, p. 516-532.
